Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Doc-U-Sign: Pricing

Hello everyone,

If you are interested in signing up for Doc-U-Sign, please be sure to contact Charles Coachman at the Gateway office immediately. (His contact information is at the bottom). We need a minimum of 20 agents to be signed up for a group rate.

Here are the benefits of a Corporate Group Membership:


For a 12 month contract for 20 members your price would be $2,400.00 (This breaks down to $10.00/month or $120.00/year per user.)



-          On Boarding: You would receive a full on boarding process with an in house trainer that would ensure your users are fully educated on the functionality and benefits of the Docusign Solution.


-          Dedicated Account Manager: You would be assigned an account manager that would become familiar with your business and make himself available to ensure your success.


-          Technical Support: You would have access to our technical support team that would be available to help with any technical questions that may arise.


-          Cost Savings: By purchasing the Docusign Solution as a group you would have an annual savings of $960.00 (savings of $4 per user per month)


-          Unlimited Usage: With a Corporate Group Membership you are not limited to the amount of transactions you perform each month.  




Here is a quick breakdown if you were each to purchase Individual Plans:


For a 12 months of service for 20 individual subscriptions your price would be $3,360.00 (This breaks down to $14.00/month or $168.00/year per user.)



-          On Boarding: Not available with Individual Plans


-          Dedicated Account Manager: Not available with Individual Plans


-          Technical Support: Not available with Individual Plans


-          Cost Savings: This option is $960.00 more expensive than purchasing a group membership.


-          Unlimited Usage: Not available with Individual Plans. Individual Plans limit your transaction volume per month. If you exceed your monthly allowance you will incur a $6/per transaction fee.



Lets connect on Friday.



Adam Hernandez
Account Executive



DocuSign, Inc.

206.973.8192 Office


Here is the contact information for Charles:




Cell: (408) 439-0766  Office: (408) 694-9857  Fax: (408) 540-1797





"Gateway to the Silicon Valley"


Office located at:

180 Great Oaks Blvd.

San Jose, CA 95119


Click here for your Market SnapShot!


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