Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Our Email and RighFax Systems

Important Notice to Gateway and Campbell offices:


Email Server:  Our email server is having significant issues and our Right Fax system travels through our email system. 


So at this time it is recommended that all agents utilize the main office fax numbers to insure proper delivery of their documents. 


The IT staffs at both market centers are working diligently to resolve these issues as expeditiously as possible.  We will continue to update the office blogs at the end of the day. 


Please use the office fax numbers for your respective offices.  The front desk staff will notify you when you receive a fax and put it in your mailbox.  


Campbell fax number 408-626-9875


Gateway fax number 408-694-9875


If you need to reach our IT staff directly please feel free to contact them:


Campbell Office - Raylyn Skeen 408-583-3682


Gateway Office – Chris Haas 408-694-9898




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