Monday, November 23, 2009

BOLD Voices - Lisa Perry speaks about her experience with BOLD!

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BOLD Voices!

Lisa Perry, associate with the Nashville-Murfreesboro market center sat down with THISWEEK @ kw to talk about her BOLD experience and how its changed the future of her real estate career!

THISWEEK: What prompted you to get into BOLD?

Lisa Perry:
My business was steady, but I wanted to take the next step. I wanted to take my business to the next level. I wanted something more than the one-time seminar. BOLD seemed to be what I was looking for.

THISWEEK: When you first began BOLD, what was your mindset?

I knew I could accomplish whatever I set out to do but never realized how negative I was about certain things, especially at home. Mindset and the positive aspects of BOLD are the most important parts of this program.

THISWEEK: What have you taken away from the BOLD program?

I have three huge takeaways!, I’m thankful I took the step and participated in BOLD just three short years after beginning my real estate career, because it has paved the road for my future. I have learned that mindset is everything. I plan to read my materials, practice, share what I have learned with others and lead by example., after attending BOLD week after week, I learned that if it is not on my calendar, it does not exist. Therefore, if I don’t schedule things such as lead generating, it will not get done! third takeaway is the fact that scripts work. I’ve always thought “okay, that sounds weird and I can do this myself in my own way.” I have learned that scripts work and being ready for objections is the difference between getting the listing or not! I plan to practice them daily.

THISWEEK: Would you mind sharing your BOLD results with us?

During the seven week course, I took three listings and my gross closed volume totaled $1.6 million. 

Before deciding to take BOLD, I had already agreed to chair a huge Fall Festival for my daughter’s private school. I had also agreed to chair a huge consignment event for my church preschool. I sold my own house, found an apartment to rent and move. This all happened during the seven weeks of BOLD. I wonder what my numbers would have looked like if I did not have those events going on?

It turns out though that having so many things going on at once was a good thing. I began asking people everywhere “who they knew who might be interested in buying, selling or investing in real estate.” For instance, one Wednesday night, with several contacts still to make to meet my BOLD goals, I went was at the grocery store. My daughter, who was with me, encouraged me to ask everyone who walked by us. From that night alone, I got six strong leads. Some were buyers, some were sellers and one was pre-approved with no agent!

BOLD taught me that the business is out there, we just have to ask!

THISWEEK: Why would you encourage other agents to be apart of BOLD?

I would highly recommend BOLD to all agents. From mindset to servicing our clients, every bit of it was important. We’ve decided to resume BOLD meetings every Thursday at our market center to keep us accountable and challenged!
The next round of BOLD begins Jan. 4, 2010. Stay tuned for location announcements! In the meantime, search "BOLD" on myKW or call MAPS Coaching at 512-327-3070 for more information.


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