Friday, November 13, 2009

Transaction Point Agent Training

Hi All....

As you all know by now, we are implementing a new transaction management system for the office, Transaction Point. By implementing this system it will allow us to store all transaction documents online and help us reach our goal of becoming a paperless office! The office has already started to use this system, which has been very beneficial thus far! We are very excited about it and once everyone is up and running, we know you'll feel the same way!

We have scheduled our agent training for the month of December and we ask that ALL agents attend this training. We have set up 4 training classes (you only need to attend 1 of them) to accomodate everyone and their schedules. Here are the dates so please mark your calendars:

Tuesday December 8th:          10-11am (Immediately following the team meeting)

Wednesday December 9th:     9-10am and again from 10-11am.

Thursday December 10th:       1:30-2:30pm

We look forward to seeing everyone there!!



Lindsey Menkemeller




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