Wednesday, July 15, 2009

DRE Requirement for KW Websites!

The New DRE Requirements state that all Associates must have their Department of Real Estate License Number on Business Cards & all other solicitation intended to be first point of contact with a consumer.  This creates a problem with our Agent Websites, as there is no field allocated at the present time.  


     “As a ‘fast fix’ to this problem, please have your agents add the 8 digit DRE License Number in the ‘Broker Name’ field of section 2.4 of Website Admin Tools. This will display the number at the bottom of each agent's website in a font large enough to meet the requirements.”


Detailed instructions:

Login to - then go to "My Information"- "My Web Site" - "Agent Web Site Administration" -

"Edit Website" - "Design your website" -  and go to "2.4 Edit Site Info" Scroll down to "Your Broker Name" and replace this field with your 8 digit DRE#.



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