Wednesday, July 29, 2009

"Short Sales, Position Yourself As The Agent"


We missed you for the KW MAPS WAVE ’09 session hosted by Dianna Kokoszka on, “The Language of Sales.” We wanted you to know there was an enormous positive response by those who did attend Dianna’s presentation and we don't want you to miss out on upcoming sessions.


The good news is that you have one last chance to experience the WAVE ’09 series for FREE by registering for “Short Sales, Position Yourself As The Agent” hosted by MAPS coach, Knolly Williams to be broadcast on August 11th, 2PM CST. To reserve your seat, click here.


The WAVE ’09 series is designed to deliver useful information on a variety of current real estate topics to inject immediate momentum into your business. Every month, you’ll receive two instructional sessions and one agent round table discussion that shares with you privileged insights of top producing agents.


There is no long term commitment, so sign up today; don't miss out! Click here for a calendar of upcoming sessions.


The WAVE’09 Team


PS. Register today for Knolly Williams session and we’ll send you a link to the rebroadcast of Dianna’s session, “The Language of Sales.” Click here to reserve your seat.